We are the HAERT Interns!

We help teens and young adults increase self-awareness, prevent mental health crisis, and strengthen resilience.

We help people learn and practice skills and strategies to manage everyday obstacles and to thrive in life's challenges!

How well do you manage your stress?


The same skills that help us cope with depression and anxiety also help us thrive in life’s challenges.

A skill to learn is:

Long Exhale Breathing

Have you heard about how Navy SEALs calm themselves down? Navy SEALs are well known for controlling their minds and emotions in a tough situation.

They use box breathing to control their stress response: inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, and continue. However, this technique requires practice to do it well; you may feel like you are running out of breath.

Long exhale breathing calms you in a similar way. It slows down your stress response. Also, it is easier to do: you count your inhale and double your exhale.

Watch the video for more instructions for long exhale breathing.

Meet Sam and Riley

Sam and Riley are the HAERT mascots. They will support you through challenges and teach you how to be more resilient!

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