Parent Education.
How to help your student thrive.
Happiness, self-Awareness & Emotional Resilience Training
What if it seems too hard?
High school can be a stressful, demanding time.
Many teens make it into to college of their dreams only to be part of the 30% that drop out in their first year alone.
Social anxiety and expectations, organization, time management and coping with stress and strong emotions are common complaints that many teens and young adults experience.
More and more, young people report they suffer from lack of motivation, purpose and hope.
How can we help them?
Families committed
to lasting change
Parents and other adults who work with teens are noticing an increase in the early warning signs and behaviors that frequently lead to more serious mental health issues. This includes more behavioral issues - in and out of class - that affect the class and community, often negatively impacting learning and the emotional wellness of a broader audience.
Adults want to help but are unsure of how to support emotional or disengaged students. While it may seem compassionate, the simple response of removing stressors actually deprives our teens of the opportunities to develop skills to rise to the challenge and level up.
At the most foundational layer, many students are not learning or mastering skills for Mental Wellness and Emotional Fitness.
HAERT Parent Education teaches what and how to communicate with students who are transitioning to adulthood. This is the support you need to support your children.
Examples of HAERT Presentations by Recipe.
Managing Test Stress & Anxiety.
Students increasingly struggle with stress and anxiety during midterms, finals and standardized test times.
Understand what is going on with your student and what you can do to help them as a parent.
You’ll learn:
The two main types of anxiety and how to manage them
An effective set of skills for managing high anxiety and emotional overwhelm at home or during a test
How to handle procrastination and perfectionism
Managing Burnout & Overworking.
Is your student feeling overwhelmed and emotional? Do they struggle to motivate to do the things they need to do…and sometimes even the things they WANT to do?
You’ll learn:
An umbrella strategy for addressing burnout and overworking
What to do in an emotional crisis
How to take advantage of stress
We’ll also introduce some really effective skills for dealing with procrastination and perfectionism.
Developing Motivation in Disengaged Students.
Struggling with attendance or work completion issues? Is your student disengaged and lacking the motivation to participate? Do they express hopelessness or a sense of “what’s the point'“?
You’ll learn:
Key factors that undermine motivation
Understand a framework for developing motivation
Skills for:
Managing our mood and energy levels
Handling procrastination
Developing healthier mindsets
Dealing with resistance
Reversing Loneliness.
Many students experience loneliness because they lack the skills to engage with others comfortably and effectively. Talking with strangers, building relationships, being comfortable with having difficult conversations and managing conflict, even networking are critical to developing healthy relationships in our personal and professional lives.
You’ll learn:
Key factors that block conversations
Understand a framework for starting conversations
Skills for:
Maintaining conversations
Maintaining friendships
Maintaining healthy boundaries
Participant Feedback.
“I thought it was very well put and also it talked about things we really needed to hear.”
“I found this presentation very interesting and related to my daily life. Thank you.”
“Writing down and using visuals to explain the mental health wellness ideas better helped me to understand the topic.”
“I liked the presentation because it helped me control my body when I have stress.”
“I really like how the presentation also involved us with activities.”
Particularly Helpful Strategies & Skills.
“Learning about the choices I have for my “thought” reactions.”
“I found the acronym TIPP helpful in remembering skills such as paced breathing and intense exercise.”
“Writing out my thoughts and being able to recognize what was stressing me out.”
“Being able to visualize the choices we have in moments where we feel ourselves being stressed or overwhelmed.”
“Ice/Temperature trick was a useful tool I learned to get out of my head and to help me calm down when I feel overwhelmed and stressed.”
“Being more self reliant and finding the deeper root to certain problems as well as ways to handle situations.”
“I learned about different ways we can calm down and assess the situation.”
“Understanding the biological reasons for emotions that are considered negative and how they can be useful.”
“You have to preserve your mental health for the long game and can't just do a bunch of work one day and then get burned out.”
“Knowing all the things that can affect your mental health and what you can do to help them.”
“A lot of them I already knew but I enjoyed the reminder and relearning the thought cycles.”
“I think restructuring problems as challenges to overcome has helped me view my life in a more positive way.”
“I can just find ways of calming down instead of doing something irrational.”
“I liked that she gave us solutions that we can use in our everyday life and was always realistic.”