So — workplace anxiety.
I know it’s a taboo — and “so what”?
Just like executives behaving badly we need to get this taboo out into the light of day.
Why is HAERT™ taking on this taboo?
Anxious people are no fun to work with. That anxiety spills out and infects classes and ultimately a whole school’s culture.
School anxiety wrecks families. You can’t compartmentalize and protect your loved ones. That stuff is contagious.
Anxious people don’t have happy careers. Everyone should have a happy career and feel the confidence and control to make it happen. Anxiety kills that possibility.
If you have successfully avoided workplace anxiety — the 4 people around you have not. We need a boatload more awareness and solution mindsets. We need to illuminate the darkness.
We’ve got flashlights…
At HAERT™, we provide courses to help you feel confident at school, get the education you want, and lead well. Our foundations include 20 years of building great software teams and mental wellness work at an award winning Silicon Valley hospital.